Hi there, my name is Matthias. I´m a freelance webdesigner. Turning ideas into reality since 2006. My main focus for the last 4 years is React (Next.js).
About me
After earning my Diploma in Sports Economics from TUM Munich, I discovered my true passion at the intersection of technology and sports. During my university years, I took the initiative to create my first sports-related websites. This early venture blossomed into opportunities to develop websites for various sports companies. Over the years, my skills have evolved significantly. I transitioned from crafting basic HTML and CSS sites and managing CMS systems to self-teaching JavaScript. Currently, I specialize in using advanced frameworks like React and Next.js.
When I'm not immersed in coding, I find my flow in the world of sports, particularly in mountain biking, snowboarding, longboarding, and slacklining. With a curious and inquisitive mind, I'm always on the lookout for new challenges to understand and complex puzzles to unravel.
Social Shopping plattform. Connecting Content Creators and shoppers via their measurements and body shape.
www.sameshape.com- React
- Next.js
- Sanity
- Tailwind
- NextAuth
- Zustand
- Typescript
- Headless UI
Die Sattelkompetenz
Website dedicated to the history of human powered hydrofoils
www.die-sattelkompetenz.de- Wordpress
- Multilingual
- Woocommerce
- Shop Finder
- Google Ads
Comfort Line
Website dedicated to the history of human powered hydrofoils
www.comfort-line.de- Wordpress
- Multilingual
- Shop Finder
- Google Ads
Sports Blog focussing on board sports like snowboard and longboard.
www.freaksport.com- Wordpress
Human Powered Hydrofoils
Website dedicated to the history of human powered hydrofoils
human-powered-hydrofoils.com- Wordpress
My skills
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Git
- Tailwind
- Sanity
- Headless UI
- Framer Motion
- Zustand
- NextAuth
- Wordpress
Contact me
Please contact me directly at mat@matehm.com or through this form.